
Hello! Welcome to Cleverly Distracted! My name is Liz and I am a teacher, DIY enthusiast, knitter, urban farmer, and lover of all things colorful, located in Lansing, MI. This blog is a space where I can share my love of teaching, knitting, crafting, urban farming, and all of the random thoughts, ideas, and musings I have.

Like my blog title suggests, I am an easily distracted person. I am an idea person - I tend to start new projects and then move onto something new a few days later. The hope is that this blog will help me to finish things I've started, as well as connect with other teachers and DIYers.

There are quite a few things that make me smile everyday, but nothing brings me more joy than my family and friends. In my spare time, I enjoy learning new hobbies or perfecting (what feels like) my millions of other hobbies. My consistent hobbies seem to include reading, knitting, gardening, traveling, and writing about these things.

So that's just a little bit about me. Please say hello sometime, I love to meet new people: cleverlydistracted[at]gmail[dot]com

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