Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Life is Hectic

Welp, I didn't hold true on most of my [late] New Year's Resolutions...whooooops! I have, however, done a lot since I wrote that post. Let's count the things I've done since March 2015:

  • became a teacher - WOO
  • studied abroad in South Africa for 35 days
  • gained a whole lotta confidence in myself as an educator
  • published a knitting pattern
  • practiced patience and nailed it [for the most part]
  • learned about the true meaning of practicing kindness
  • adopted two kitties
  • started [not finished] a mural on my garage wall
Whoa, it's fun writing down accomplishments and seeing what you've done. 

I'm not entirely sure where this blog is going to go, but I think I'll keep trying to write as often as possible. If nothing else, it'll prove as a fun mentor text to show my 8th graders if I ask them to start blogging. Or, maybe I'll just use it as a space to show off what I'm currently knitting :) 

Currently, I'm sitting on my couch binge watching some crappy TV on Netflix. Being a teacher is tough - I think I've had the flu or some sort of cold for over two weeks now. I've finally given in and taken a day off, which means lots of tea and knitting; it gave me the perfect chance to start the sweater I've been dying to knit. 

Do you watch Scandal? Olivia wears this incredible sweater in two different colors. I found it online and it's close to $2,000, so I've decided to knit it myself. After hours on Ravelry, I believe I've found something similar and so much cheaper to knit. A few weeks ago, I cast on the Chloe Cardigan by Jo Storie and I am IN LOVE so far. I'll be posting some progress pics on my Ravelry as I go. Check back for updates!

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