Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Life is Hectic

Welp, I didn't hold true on most of my [late] New Year's Resolutions...whooooops! I have, however, done a lot since I wrote that post. Let's count the things I've done since March 2015:

  • became a teacher - WOO
  • studied abroad in South Africa for 35 days
  • gained a whole lotta confidence in myself as an educator
  • published a knitting pattern
  • practiced patience and nailed it [for the most part]
  • learned about the true meaning of practicing kindness
  • adopted two kitties
  • started [not finished] a mural on my garage wall
Whoa, it's fun writing down accomplishments and seeing what you've done. 

I'm not entirely sure where this blog is going to go, but I think I'll keep trying to write as often as possible. If nothing else, it'll prove as a fun mentor text to show my 8th graders if I ask them to start blogging. Or, maybe I'll just use it as a space to show off what I'm currently knitting :) 

Currently, I'm sitting on my couch binge watching some crappy TV on Netflix. Being a teacher is tough - I think I've had the flu or some sort of cold for over two weeks now. I've finally given in and taken a day off, which means lots of tea and knitting; it gave me the perfect chance to start the sweater I've been dying to knit. 

Do you watch Scandal? Olivia wears this incredible sweater in two different colors. I found it online and it's close to $2,000, so I've decided to knit it myself. After hours on Ravelry, I believe I've found something similar and so much cheaper to knit. A few weeks ago, I cast on the Chloe Cardigan by Jo Storie and I am IN LOVE so far. I'll be posting some progress pics on my Ravelry as I go. Check back for updates!

Monday, March 2, 2015

My New Year's Resolutions...3 months late

It may be March, but that doesn't mean I'm not over here thinking about resolutions and goals for the year. Who says New Years is exclusively celebrated in January? I'm starting my NEW YEAR right now! Can you tell I'm pumped up? This isn't normally how I feel about goal-setting, but I'm currently reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and I'm inspired!

One of my goals is to get a blog going, so here I go! My list is also chalk-full of other ideas as well, mostly goals of completing projects (on time preferably), remembering to pay my credit card bills, and cleaning the house more. But I also have some bigger goals that I think I need to list - it's easier to remember what I have to do when they're listed SOMEWHERE for me to look back on. So, here goes:
  • use my new passion planner
  • write everyday (this counts, right?)
  • compliment everyone I meet at least once
  • share my thoughts more often
  • publish a knitting pattern
  • start a blog!! Nailed it. 
  • practice patience 
  • start an Etsy shop
  • learn to love texting
  • read/listen to more books
Now that I have it out there, here's hoping I can keep a few of these! What are your goals for yourself? Do you ever stop to think about them? 

And finally, to celebrate a small victory: I published my first ever knitting pattern today and it already has three "likes" on Ravelry. Can I get a whoop whoop!?